
8. Hybrid Delphi Future

The Institute for Finnish Domestic Languages traces the term ”hybrid” back to biology, where ”a hybrid refers to the crossbreed of two different species, whether it concerns an animal (e.g., mule) or a plant.” In common language, ”hybrid” has spread in many other contexts as well. In the automotive industry, the term refers to a mixture of different types of power: a hybrid car has both a combustion and an electric motor. Both metaphors are suitable for modern Delphi. The method is used just as much quantitatively as qualitatively, in the present as well as in the future, in research as well as in practical development. The actual hybrid leap in development is, however, happening through the acceleration of generative artificial intelligence. Delphi will increasingly gain their momentum from artificial intelligence.

8. Hybridi Delfoi-tulevaisuus

Kotimaisten kielten keskus jäljittää hybridi-termin biologiaan, jossa “hybridi tarkoittaa kahden eri lajin risteymää, olipa kysymys eläimestä (esim. muuli) tai kasvista.” Yleiskieleen hybridi on levinnyt monessa muussakin yhteydessä. Autoalalla sanalla tarkoitetaan eri käyttövoimien sekoitusta: hybridiautossa on sekä poltto- että sähkömoottori.  Nyky-Delfoihin sopivat molemmat metaforat. Metodia käytetään yhtä lailla määrällisesti kuin laadullisesti, nykyhetkessä kuin tulevaisuudessa, tutkimuksessa kuin käytännöllisessä kehittämisessä. Varsinainen kehityksen hybridihyppy on kuitenkin tapahtumassa generatiivisen tekoälyn vauhdittamana. Delfoi tulee saamaan lisääntyvästi käyttövoimansa tekoälystä.

7. Delphi Analysis

Scientific analysis is a technique that allows data collected reliably to be organized in such a way that the essential meanings and connections of the phenomenon under examination are made visible in proper proportion. Typically in Delphi methods, distributions are examined quantitatively, and commentary with justifications is provided qualitatively. A particular feature of the Delphi method is that data is classified and evaluated during the research process, not only at the end.

3. Characteristics of the Delphi method

Three characteristics unify different versions of Delphi: anonymity, expertise, and iterativity. These characteristics have withstood the upheavals resulting from both technological development and expanding understanding of how knowledge is formed. Each characteristic has, in turn, also been questioned.

2. Steps of the Delphi Process

The Delphi method can be characterized as a query or interview-based research technique in which a guided interaction process is used to gather and develop the knowledge and understanding of a group of experts, about the phenomenon under study. The method emphasizes a structured process that is based on the interaction between the managing researcher (or research team) and the panel of experts. The characteristics of the phenomenon under investigation are peeled away layer by layer, or as said in Delphi, round by round. In survey research, the first round of questioning is also the last, and unlike in Delphi, there is no elevation of the ”subjects” to interaction among themselves in a manner that can be called communal learning. This is also the ultimate aim of the manager, regardless of whether the Delphi process targets consensus or dissensus.

1. The many Purposes of Delphi

For the use of the Delphi method, five distinctly different purposes can be identified. A couple of promising new functions are also being tested. Recognizing the purpose of research or development is essential, as it affects everything else. ”Everything else” refers to differences in objectives, implementations, and role assignments, which will be discussed in later articles of the blog series.